The rambling soapbox of a discontented suburbia

March 14, 2007, 10:23 pm
Filed under: alternative building, cycling

quite the bologne brain over here. Haven’t updated like forever. But I would like to state for the record, since spring wanted to show a preview of what it would be like in a few weeks (months) I have been biking to work all week. all 3 days of it. it’s supposed to be 44 tomorrow and 34 friday, rainy and cloudy respectively. So we’ll see if i bike friday. But i’m SUPER pumped for this to become a regular thing. seriously, biking is fun. Once you get over yourself and any stupid or slow mistakes you make, it’s great!!

Also, i considered buying a specific house, i haven’t decided – i will let time decide – but it was beautiful. 2,500 sq. ft. selling for a STEAL. The interior had leaded glass parlor doors, a fireplace, some tin ceiling, ornate heat grates, most of the original doors and trim, two stairways (albeit one was missing) no walls – just studs, a few broken windows and some hardwood floor. This house was gutted, completely. It had been a HUD house previous to the current owner, resale value seems iffy, and it’s quite a gem. HUGE garage in the back, used to be an old barn, beautiful windows on the sides, two floors.

I really enjoy the historical elements of this 1890’s house. It got me thinking outside of convention and reading books on alternative building materials, who says a kitchen is cupboards and counters? what about interior walls, seriously? I started moving beyond the norm and going into the weird. It was fun. So i’m still researching all this stuff, and learning about cool things, reading some fun books (Gutted is a GREAT book, hilarious) annnnnnnnnnd i’ve been spending time at the central library, the one in the city o’ Rochester. sooooo much better than dumb suburban libraries. *cheers* i now know why they’re fun!!

that’s all for a few more months.

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